The power of the stage

My first experience with performing arts was in Berlin in 2016 when a friend suggested me to go and take some Physical Theatre classes.

Clowning and impro came a while later.

I was hooked immediately.

The idea that we can deliver a story with the mere use of our bodies, without using the voice to express feelings, but with facial expressions, gestures, posture and eye contact open it up a word of research for me.

I began studying the concept of body language and communication by psychologist Albert Mehrabian.

How much goes untold and yet subtlety expressed when we move around the world?

Where and how does a mental emotion be expressed in the muscles and joints? What does that emotion hold? What is its message and how can I make it reach in intention and awareness? How can I express it and release it if necessary and more importantly, what story does it have to tell? What can be revealed?

That was the foundation of my work to come.

Body awareness and individual physical research became a focal point in my teaching.

I guide my students -be it during Yoga, impro or Martial Arts class- to go beyond the conscious action and explore what is happening in all the places they are less aware of.

Theater is much more than acting.

Theater is a personal study of the body-mind connection.

Theatre is not only for those who want to perform on stage. It is for those who want to learn how to better perform in life. More in tune with themselves.

Expressive arts and the stage have been, among years of other disciplines and personal therapy paths, the best healers and the best teachers for me, the fields that helped me develop and free my persona, liberated of limitations and masks.

The stage with its witnesses -the public- that helps the ritual to become stronger and more valid is a central part of my teaching work.

In my 1:1 Mentoring programs I used many tools that derive from this background in performing arts. While training to be better stage performers, we train to become more embodied humans in everyday life.

Curious to know more?

Go to the section “offers” to find out about my 1:1 Mentoring program.

With love

The Alchemy of Fire


It is always worth to feel love