It is always worth to feel love

We are running our Breathwork Teacher Training program here in South Africa

It was the beginning of week 3 with a group of incredible souls that are been guide through so much inner shedding

Day after day after day

I felt it was time to make some of the most incredible work I have ever came across to lead

And so

A powerful ritual took place yesterday afternoon

The feminine stood in front of the masculine

Roses and candles and feathers separated our spaces

We each shared about horrible moments of violation received by the hands of our brothers, fathers, partners and demanded our counterpart to take accountability and ask for our forgiveness

The amount of abuse that the feminine has to endure is scary

We were 16 women and we all had at least one time during our lives where we have been afraid of a raging man, beaten up by him, raped or emotionally abused

Always by the hands of someone that was supposedly loving us

There were many tears and much relief as our 5 men listened to us and allowed us to speak our pain

As they each took accountability and asked sorry

The realisation I saw in their eyes was heartbreaking

Beautiful beyond words it was

Thank you for the healthy, new, awakened masculine that can held a woman with the respect and care she truly deserves


Some reflections:

It can be overwhelming

To open our hearts up to yet more discomfort

But the truth of life is that we gotta keep cracking our hearts open until the feeling of love can shine through its fissures

A Japanese tradition glues broken vases together with the use of liquid gold

I like to imagine a broken heart like that

With cracks that instead of scar tissue are made of golden sparkles

No matter the disappointments, the desire to meet the missing piece that seems so far away from touch

We gotta keep loving for the sake of loving

We gotta keep feeling that intense sensation of expansion in our hearts even when nothing comes in in return just yet

Cause love is not a dual thing like they make us believe

Love is universal

It exists in us intrinsically

And it’s worth and more powerful than any other pain or rejection or brokenness will ever be

Listening to our sharing yesterday and after some deeper talks I thought: how is it that we all have an ideal in mind

We all know how we want it to feel like

And it is a craving that grows in time

When we finally feel we have healed and our cracks are filled up with gold

And we are ready to share ourselves fully

The good part is

At least, we now all seem to know what we don’t want anymore

I thought

It is beautiful to imagine life with someone akin

Someone that sees us and respects us for what we are

Someone that challenges us and pushes us forward without breaking us apart

To dream of joined adventures, laughter and visions

But life sometimes has other plans for us

For some of us at least

The ones that walk unconventional routes and that for some weird reasons seem to be destined to do so in all sacred aloneness

But even when so, and even when it is painful at times

To wonder

Will it ever happen for me

To feel so freely and so powerfully and so limitlessly that I can touch the sky with bare hands

Even when the awareness comes

That we have so much love to give and not the right person next to us to receive it the way we would wish for

We shouldn’t lose the capacity to love

To love openly each and every day of our lives and with no particular direction

Because even when it’s not reciprocated

The feeling of love can move mountains

It gifts life and the feeling to being alive

It is life transmuting even when the only thing next to us to share it with is a beautiful song

Or the winds with their whispers

Or some birds welcoming the sunrise

With love,

The Alchemy of Fire


The power of the stage


Yoga Journey