
All classes have group or private option


*physical or online classes*

Yoga, translated from Sanskrit, means “unity”. It is more than a physical practice, Yoga is a life style, a mental attitude of calmness, balance and lightness that helps living our daily lives with more focus and ease while keeping the body smooth, diving into its best potential. Yoga also stimulates the system’s natural regenerative capabilities, gifting endurance and improving healing even while away from the mat.

Yoga has many disciplines among its philosophies and is now practiced worldwide with all of its benefits stemming from different applications.


  • Pranayama/Meditation

  • warm up/Sun Salutations

  • Asana Practice

  • Savasana (relaxation)

Benefits of different asana practices

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa means conscious movement. Every move will be accompanied by inhale or exhale to create a dynamic flow through the different Asanas. This type of Yoga stimulates the blood circulation, it increases endurance (cardio), it strengthens the muscles through body weight exercises, it improves coordination and it helps the body gain flexibility through what is called active flexibility training.

Power Vinyasa Flow

This is the higher gear of the more traditional Vinyasa Flow; focus will be on the strengthening of the muscles through body weight exercises with elements derived from fitness training such as holding of planks, crunches, lounges and so on.


A more relaxed practice with longer holding of the Asanas to increase flexibility through passive flexibility training and deeper, conscious breathing. Hatha is perfect for those who want to find relaxation in the mind through the stillness in the body, to move less and feel more.

Postural Yoga

The goal of this practice is to make the body aware of the natural and healthy alignment of its structures in order to release pain deriving from a wrong posture and incorrect walking patterns. The exercises derive from Physical Therapy, Yoga Asanas and Janda. This is the more dynamic version of Yoga Therapy where theory and practice will be taught.

90 minutes per class

Private or Group

A little insight on one of my latest classes during our Breathwork Teacher Training in Goa in November 2023

Yoga Nidra

*physical or online classes*

Yoga Nidra translates into ‘conscious/psychic sleep’. It is a powerful technique in which the practitioner learns how to relax the mind and the body while remaining alert.

The teacher will guide the practitioner through spoken words while the practitioner lays down in Savasana (Sansakrit: corpse pose), with eyes closed.

In the state of Pratyahara (Sanskrit: gathering towards), that is reached in Nidra States, the mind becomes disengaged from the sensory channels, freed of the inputs from the senses, so that it can dive deeper into internal experiences, see what lays stored in it and release it.

Nidra practice brings the practitioner to a threshold state between sleep and wakefulness where contact between subconscious and unconscious happens spontaneously.

It is said that one hour of Nidra State is equivalent to four hours of ‘normal’ sleep. That’s how this ancient practice came to life, the sages wanted to dedicate every available waking hour to the practice that will lead them to reaching Samadhi (Sanskrit: enlightenment). 


  • Improve sleeping habit

  • Relax the mind & body

  • Address traumas & release them

  • Prevention of anxiety, depression, agitation & insomnia 

  • Gain control over the mind & thoughts


  • Opening circle, chanting of Mantra 

  • Pranayama exercises

  • Affirmations

  • Practice

90 minutes per class

Private or Group


*physical or online classes*

If getting fit and creating a healthy physical routine or if you have a specific physical goal, this format is for you.

During physical coaching a customised routine will be created that involves disciplines such as fitness training, HIIT training, boxing, Martial Arts, Yoga and body weight.

With over 10 years of experience in working with bodies plus a very dedicated daily physical routine ranging from many different practices such as acrobatics, handstands, Martial Arts and fitness, Cristina knows how to teach that dedication that only translates into love for taking care of the physical vessel with fun, lightness and a pleasant commitment.


  • Goal oriented

  • Preparation for performance: strengthening / conditioning / agility

  • Weight management

  • Improves physical & mental awareness


  • Spoken and physical evaluation

  • Setting of goals

  • Routine design and practice: the client will learn how to practice alone

  • Body weight exercises, weights training, HIIT (high insensitive interval training), cardio exercises (jogging, rope skipping, exercises) coordination and agility training

  • Techniques from boxing, Muay Thai, Partial Arts, Qi Gong, Yoga, circus and active/passive flexibility depending from the goal set

  • Warm up and relaxation

60 or 90 minutes per class

Private or Group


*physical or online classes*

The practice of inversions (when the head is below the heart) is found in many traditions:

In Yoga with Sarvangasana (Sanskrit: shoulder stand), Shirshasana (Sanskrit: headstand) and Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Sanskrit: handstand);

In circus training, acrobatics and gymnastics for what concerns handstands and their transitions for performances;

In Martial Arts;

Inversion are a straight path to the one pointed mind state, meaning concentration, without which it becomes difficult to remain upside down. As well, inversions teach about dedication, commitment and daily engagement, as they are not easy to achieve unless one dives deep into a daily practice and a lot of diligence.

Inversions can become a life long friend that will help improve concentration of the mind and awareness in the body, as well as physical strength and flexibility.


  • journey from headstand to handstand

  • increases body awareness, coordination and balance

  • strengthens the entire body, with focus on arms, shoulders and abdominal muscles

  • increases flexibility in the shoulders, chest and wrists

  • trains one pointed mind, concentration

  • oxygenates the brain by bringing extra blood flow in it


  • strength routine

  • balance and coordination routine

  • flexibility routine

  • technique theory

  • safety: how to fall without hurting

60 or 90 minutes per class

Private or Group

Book a private or group session.